Vietnam: Or War - Our Peace brings together 44 stories from the Vietnam veteran's community. Sanguinus 22:55, (UTC) Furthermore, the "official" website uses the term "super star destroyer". The Ravager was lost in the battle when one of the New Republic's Starhawk-class Battleships pulled it into Jakku's gravity well with its ultra-powerful tractor beam, causing the massive capital ship to crash in the sands of the desert planet. Executor-class Star Dreadnought star_wars stardestroyer starwars starwarsstarwars star_destroyer firstorder kyloren kylo_ren first_order As far as I know, this art was done as a concept to be the Flagship of Kylo Ren for the Star Wars sequel trilogy by Disney. For one, it would have instantly stood out among all the other destroyers if it was a Legator rather then blending into the destroyer screen. Early Executor concept art (top) the Praetor Mark II-class battlecruiser Helmsman, Giel's flagship (bottom). As certain segments of naval command may have anticipated, a new symbol of intimidation was needed, and as Wessex had believed, the Executor-class fit the need well.